User reviews have changed business.

How you select products and services has become dependent on transparent online reviews willingly offered up by your peers.

However, there are still many organizations that rely on the opinions and subjective reports of expert analysts and research bodies to help advise and recommend on potential purchases.

But are these third party views the most valuable resource for soon-to-be buyers?

At Brandwatch, we’ve long championed the idea of uncensored, authentic user opinions revealing the strengths and weaknesses of Brandwatch to help inform our future customers.

We value these views so much, we put them front and center on our Vizia screens in all our offices across the globe.

What our day-to-day users have to say about our products is the most valuable data we have at Brandwatch. Their views inform our products and features, driving our next innovations.

That’s why we’re thrilled to be named a Winter Leader by G2 Crowd – an independent provider of reviews for software products.

Our Leader status is based on honest opinions from real people who use Brandwatch every day.

What’s G2 Crowd?

G2 Crowd is a trusted platform that allows customers to provide reviews of enterprise products like Brandwatch. All reviews on the site are from verified, real users of the software. Its integration with LinkedIn ensures there are no fake or planted reviews.

Ultimately, G2 crowd scores directly reflect the opinions of the real customers actually using the software – users, not commentators.

Based on a combination of scores, each software solution in the rankings is categorized as a Leader, High Performer, Contender, or Niche.

This winter Brandwatch is ranked as a Leader in both the Social Media Monitoring and Social Media Analytics segments. That means our customers rank us highly on a number of important factors including scale, market share, global support and service resources.

How we’re doing

For reliable enterprise social intelligence and unparalleled customer care, Brandwatch is still the leader.

Having been reviewed over 150 times and been given a satisfaction score of 4.5 of 5 stars it’s clear our clients are happy with how we are performing. You can’t fake this.

And based on these reviews, we know our strengths lie within our core pillars – product, partners and people.


Brandwatch products help in a number of ways.

Finding great and relevant data

Our smart crawlers, broad eight-year dataset and sophisticated search engine helps customers find what they need.

Discovering key business insights

With interactive visualizations and smart AI technology that highlights the insightful, our users can quickly answer their questions.

Sharing insights throughout the business

PowerPoint exports, automated alerts and PDF exports are great, but our unique Vizia platform helps our customers truly get their message across by sending insights to screens across their organization.

Help in answering business questions

We also know how valuable our Strategy & Insights offerings are to our customer base and we’re continually adding to and improving what we can do within that team.


We’ve set up key partnerships with leaders in customer care, CRM, social media management and more, to ensure Brandwatch data connects with every part of our customer’s tech stack.


At Brandwatch we pride ourselves on being customer focused – a valued partner you can rely on.

Our customer success team has one goal: To make every customer successful. Based on what our user reviews say, we’re doing just that and we couldn’t be happier.

What’s next

Even as a Leader, we continue to look at ways to add more value for our customers.

In October we announced our merger with Crimson Hexagon, a defining moment for us and for our industry.

By bringing Crimson’s historic data, advanced AI, and machine learning together with Brandwatch’s fast and flexible data handling and user interface, we are going to build something exceptional.

We’ve also recently released Iris™, an AI-analyst for better insights. It’s the fastest and smartest way to discover insights from the public web.

Iris takes the pain out of data analysis. It automatically analyzes all of your data and identifies the reasons why conversation has increased.

And more is coming in 2019. Be sure to check back in January to see what we’ve been building.

Your turn

Pleasing our customers is paramount, and we’re glad there are platforms like G2 Crowd which encourage and expose genuine feedback.

If you have something to say about your experiences with Brandwatch or one of our competitors, you can share it by visiting this page and submitting your review. Or you can talk to us directly – we always want to hear from you.