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Endurance, Inequality, Innovation: How Covid-19 Has Transformed Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors

Explore six months of insights sourced from 120k global survey responses and 760m+ social media posts on how consumers have adapted to life under Covid-19.

You’ll learn:

  • How the ‘back to basics’ trend took hold in lockdown, and could continue post-outbreak
  • How consumers are approaching medical treatment when fewer than half say they feel safe going to see a doctor
  • What many consumers consider as a key indicator of going ‘back to normal’
  • And much more

Fill out the form to get instant access.

Falcon.io is now part of Brandwatch.
You're in the right place!

Existing customer?Log in to access your existing Falcon products and data via the login menu on the top right of the page.New customer?You'll find the former Falcon products under 'Social Media Management' if you go to 'Our Suite' in the navigation.

Paladin is now Influence.
You're in the right place!

Brandwatch acquired Paladin in March 2022. It's now called Influence, which is part of Brandwatch's Social Media Management solution.Want to access your Paladin account?Use the login menu at the top right corner.