What is newsjacking? 

Newsjacking is a strategy where you use trending news stories to boost your brand’s visibility. It’s about jumping on hot topics and adding your own twist. 

You’ll need to act fast and stay relevant to make it work. 

Think of it as joining a viral conversation on social media. You’re not just sharing the news – you’re adding value with your unique take. 

This can help you grab attention and connect with your audience in real-time. 

To newsjack effectively, you’ll want to: 

  • Monitor trending topics 
  • React quickly 
  • Be creative and authentic 
  • Stay sensitive to serious issues 

When done right, newsjacking can make your brand part of the bigger story. 

How does newsjacking work? 

Newsjacking starts with staying on top of trending topics. You’ll need to monitor news and social media closely. Tools like Google Trends can help you spot rising stories. 

Once you find a relevant trend, act fast. Create content that ties your brand to the news. This could be a social media post, blog article, or video. 

Next, share your content quickly. Use social platforms to spread the word. Time is crucial – you want to catch the wave while it’s still rising. 

Be creative with your angle. Find a unique way to connect your brand to the story. This helps you stand out from other newsjackers. 

Remember, using trends effectively requires care. Avoid sensitive topics and always add value to the conversation. 

Why is newsjacking important for brands? 

Newsjacking can boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. Here’s why it matters: 

  • Increased reach: Tap into trending topics to get your message in front of a wider audience 
  • Social media buzz: Spark conversations and shares around your brand 
  • Viral potential: Create timely, clever content that people want to spread 
  • SEO benefits: Rank for popular search terms related to current events 
  • Media coverage: Catch journalists’ attention for possible press mentions 
  • Thought leadership: Show you’re on top of industry trends and news 
  • Brand awareness: Keep your company top-of-mind with timely content 

By crafting relevant, witty responses to news, you can boost engagement and visibility across channels. Just be sure to newsjack thoughtfully and authentically.

Tips for effective newsjacking 

Stay alert to breaking news and trending topics on social media. Use tools to monitor keywords and hashtags related to your industry. When a relevant story emerges, act fast to create timely content.

  • Choose stories that align with your brand values 
  • Craft a unique angle or perspective 
  • Be respectful and avoid controversial topics 
  • Use trending hashtags to boost visibility 

Optimize your content for SEO by including relevant keywords. Share across your social channels to maximize reach. Remember, authenticity is key – don’t force a connection that isn’t there. 

Consider leveraging Instagram Reels to share your newsjacking content in a visual, engaging format.

Risks of newsjacking and how to avoid them

Newsjacking can backfire if you’re not careful. Timing is crucial – jumping on a trend too late makes you look out of touch.

You risk seeming insensitive if you try to capitalize on tragedies or controversial events. To stay safe, avoid sensitive topics and make sure your brand’s connection to the story feels natural. 

Pay attention to tone. A playful approach might work for light news, but it could offend during serious events. Always consider how your audience might react before posting. 

To newsjack successfully: 

  • Monitor news closely 
  • Act fast, but think carefully 
  • Stay true to your brand voice 
  • Be sensitive to context 

How to get started with newsjacking 

Ready to try newsjacking for your brand? Here’s how to begin: 

  • Set up news alerts. Use Google Alerts or social media monitoring tools to track trending topics in your industry. 
  • Choose stories wisely. Look for news that relates to your brand and audience. Avoid controversial or sensitive issues. 
  • Act fast. Timing is key, so respond quickly while the story is still fresh and relevant. 
  • Add value. Offer unique insights or a clever twist on the news. Don’t just repeat what others are saying. 
  • Be authentic. Stay true to your brand voice and values. Don’t force a connection that isn’t there.