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Published October 15th 2021

Administration Updates: Ensuring You Are Getting the Best ROI From Brandwatch

Monitor and manage usage in your Brandwatch account easier with our new admin updates. Read on to see what they are

This year, we’ve been making several updates to how you can monitor and manage usage in your Brandwatch account. It’s never been easier to roll out Brandwatch to large teams across multiple projects and ensure you’re always getting the best return on investment.

Maintaining a valuable and scalable digital consumer intelligence strategy is no mean feat.

Our customers are often using Brandwatch across dozens of teams in regions across the globe and monitoring hundreds of different brands, products, competitors, and industry topics to inform critical business decisions. 

But even for smaller teams, it is crucial to be able to understand and manage how Brandwatch is being used and show that they are providing value across their organization.  

Our updates this year help customers:

  • Ensure they’re always collecting high-quality data that is being consumed
  • Avoid duplicating data collection 
  • Manage their data allowances
  • Roll out Brandwatch to large teams and monitor usage to identify where more enablement is needed
  • Make sure all users have access to the data and functionality they need for their roles

Here’s a rundown of everything that’s new in the last few months.

Queries panel 

The new queries panel provides a single place to understand:

  • All the queries that have been created within your account and which are active
  • How queries are organized
  • When queries were modified and by whom
  • How many mentions each query is consuming 

In addition, we have added functionality that lets you manage all your queries directly from the panel. You can now: 

  • Download your Queries panel as a CSV on demand for quick reporting on your query usage whenever you need it
  • Sort by any columns to navigate through large amounts of data and find what you’re looking for
  • Use the search bar to help navigate and find specific queries, projects, or users to quickly understand usage across your account
  • Delete queries one by one or in bulk by selecting several at a time. This means you can quickly tidy up old queries or remove duplicate or expensive, unneeded queries without navigating to another part of the application 
  • Edit a query without having to navigate to the Queries page
  • Rename queries directly from the Panel. This is great for enforcing naming conventions or correcting naming errors
  • Click the See History button to understand who made the last 10 edits to a query and when

High-volume query alerts

Even when you’re offline, we’re making it easier for you to keep track of your account usage in Brandwatch and ensure everything is running smoothly. These new alerts (for administrators of mention-based accounts) will be emailed to you if a query is created by someone in your account which looks like it will use up a lot of data.

Now, if someone accidentally saves a query with a mistake in it or that captures mentions around a high-volume topic, you can fix it before your allowance is seriously impacted.

Users panel

The new Users panel within Brandwatch Consumer Research Administration helps you understand:

  • All the enabled and disabled users in your account
  • The user role that each user has
  • Who your most active users are

To manage your teams, we’ve made it easy to:

  • Search by name or email address for the users you’re looking for
  • Edit users directly from the panel, including changing user details, disabling old users, setting whether or not they receive administrative emails, and changing the language of the Brandwatch user interface for them
  • Download login information for your whole account
  • Change users’ roles to give them different permissions

Dashboard collaboration

We’re also adding new functionality to make collaborating on analysis and reporting easier in Brandwatch. 

New dashboard sharing option: edit mode

With this new functionality, you can share a dashboard with another user, and they will be able to make changes to that dashboard as if it were their own.

In analyst mode, users are limited to applying filters and changing mentions data. This might be preferable if you want to give people a higher level of access to explore a dashboard but prevent them from making any permanent changes.

New notification: Changes to your dashboard

To accompany this new edit mode, we’ve added a notification that you receive when another user has made changes to the dashboard you are currently viewing. 

You can then reload the dashboard to see the new updates. 

If you have already made changes to the dashboard yourself, you also have the option to save a copy of the dashboard currently on your screen, or to reload, discarding your changes and viewing the latest version. 

It’s never been easier to manage projects and teams on Brandwatch, and we’re not done yet. Look out for more updates coming later this year!

If you’d like to learn more about how Brandwatch can help you embed digital consumer intelligence across your organization, book a meeting with one of our experts today.

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