YouTube remains the top video search engine, with people using it for everything from education and entertainment to how-to guides.

With 2.49 billion monthly active users spending an average of 48.7 minutes a day, YouTube is the perfect platform to engage audiences, increase brand awareness, and build trust. However, standing out on YouTube can be challenging due to diverse content types, audiences, and metrics. Plus, creating content for YouTube may require significant resources, making return on investment (ROI) a top concern for many marketing teams.  

The key to success lies in understanding the differences between long-form videos and Shorts and how to leverage both formats to engage your audience effectively. 

After reading this blog, you’ll know exactly how to leverage both video formats to develop a more effective content strategy for YouTube. 

Keep reading or jump directly to each section. 

Long-form YouTube video 

YouTube Shorts 

Combining Shorts and long-form 

Your blueprint for a winning YouTube strategy 

Long-form YouTube video

Long-form videos are typically longer than three minutes and require more resources to produce. Nonetheless, longer videos can provide a substantial ROI because it’s the type of content that lasts. Longer videos keep engaging viewers over a longer period of time, helping brands build trust, drive sales, and increase their reach.  

Pros of long-form video content

1. Cultivate a loyal fan base that trusts your brand 

Longer videos allow brands to dive deeper into their topics. You can leverage this format to share in-depth content, and tutorials, provide behind-the-scenes insights, and build a deeper, more personal connection with your audience. This format offers the perfect opportunity to showcase your expertise and position your brand as a thought leader. 

2. Increase revenue and sales potential 

With long-form videos, you can thoroughly explain your product and its features, and what makes your product unique and valuable. This detailed approach can influence potential customers, particularly those who are looking to buy products with a higher price tag.  

3. Search engine discoverability  

Long-form videos have a longer shelf life, continuing to attract views months or even years after being uploaded – if they deliver the value viewers are searching for. With proper optimization, your long-form video content can provide lasting value long after the initial release. That’s why optimizing your YouTube SEO is essential when investing in this video format. 

Cons of long-form video content:

1. Time-consuming 

Longer videos require more effort when it comes to planning, scripting, filming, and editing. This can be challenging for brands with limited resources or tight schedules.   

2. Slower view growth 

Longer videos often take more time to gain traction. Although they have the potential to accumulate more engagement over time, their initial growth can be slower compared to the quick virality that Shorts can achieve.  

Key metrics for long videos on YouTube

1. Watch time (total minutes watched) 

Watch time is an aggregated metric that tells you the total amount of time your video was viewed. It’s crucial to track watch time for long-form videos, as it’s the most important ranking factor in YouTube’s algorithm.  

Higher watch time is a key factor for ranking well, as it signals to YouTube’s algorithm that your video is engaging, leading to better visibility in search results and Google recommendations. 

Pro tip: To increase watch time, prioritize creating content that keeps viewers engaged for longer and double down on the types of videos that already perform well.  

2. Average view duration and retention rate 

Average view duration tells you how long each viewer watches your video on average. This metric shows how engaging your video is and how effectively it retains each viewer.  

Pro tip: To boost retention and keep viewers engaged, you can start by creating compelling content introductions to spark their interest. Trim slower sections to avoid potential drop-offs and refine your video’s pacing and structure for a smoother flow.  

3. Click-through-rate (CTR) 

CTR measures how often people click on your video based on its thumbnail and title. It shows how well your video content captures attention and interest. By comparing the CTR of multiple videos, you can better understand which thumbnails and titles attract the most views, helping you refine your approach to spark more interest and drive clicks. 

Pro tip: It’s important that you create thumbnails with clear visuals that represent your video content. When designing your thumbnail, zoom out to see how it looks at the smaller size it will appear as on YouTube. Evaluate whether your thumbnail effectively and clearly conveys the content of your video.  

4. Engagement (likes, comments, shares) 

Engagement rate tells you how your video resonates with your audiences on a deeper level. Whether you’ve sparked some interesting conversations in the comments section, or provided useful and shareable content, this metric can help you understand how your content resonates with your audiences and guide your content creation efforts in the future.  

Pro tip: Boost your engagement by adding prompts within your video that encourage viewers to like, comment, and share. You can host contests or giveaways, which can serve as an incentive for your audience to engage more with your videos. To encourage a sense of community, consider participating in conversations in the comments section. 

How to craft winning long-form videos

1. Identify good topics for your video 

Coming up with valuable topics to cover in long-form videos can be challenging.  Start by researching your audience’s interests and needs. Read the comments on your competitors’ videos – are people asking questions that haven’t yet been answered?  

Use social listening tools like Brandwatch Listen to go deeper into conversations about your brand – what are people saying about your brand “when you are not in the room?” Are there gaps in product knowledge or customer frustrations? These insights can guide you in creating content that addresses your audiences’ needs, helping you build trust and strengthen your connection with your viewers. 

2. Set clear expectations right at the start of your videos  

While for Shorts, the hook must happen within the first few seconds – and we’ll discuss this tip further down – longer videos should aim to hook your audience within the first 30 seconds.  

Setting clear expectations for your viewers is crucial to maintaining their interest and increasing watch time. Whether you provide a quick summary of what they’ll gain from watching or include a few enticing preview clips, establishing these expectations at the beginning of your video can significantly increase viewer engagement.  

3. Keep your video clutter-free 

Trimming unnecessary content from your videos can be beneficial for keeping your viewers engaged. Always keep your audience in mind – focus on the parts of the video your audience will find interesting and valuable. 

4. Connect with your audience 

When creating long-form videos, don’t hesitate to craft storylines that resonate emotionally with your audience. Explore ways to incorporate relatable narratives or even user-generated content to build a stronger connection with your viewers. When your audience sees your authenticity, they’re more likely to engage with your content and remember your brand. 

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts, which are typically less than 60 seconds long, have exploded in popularity with the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels. This format enables brands to create quick, engaging content that captures attention and allows for rapid responses to trends. 

Here’s an example from Louis Vuitton: 

Pros of YouTube Shorts

1. Fast and easy to create 

Shorts typically take less time to produce, making it easier to publish content more frequently – an effective strategy for growing your YouTube channel. YouTube Shorts are particularly useful if your brand wants to respond to trends quickly. 

2. Ideal for delivering bite-sized information 

Shorts are concise and perfect for sharing easy-to-digest information. They can effectively showcase simple products or provide quick tips. 

3. Easily repurposed across platforms 

A major advantage of YouTube Shorts is that you can repurpose them on various social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Facebook Stories. This maximizes your content investment while extending your reach and impact. 

Cons of YouTube Shorts

1. Limited revenue potential 

Shorts can be less effective at driving sales for expensive or complex products. Their limited format doesn’t provide enough time to showcase key features or persuade potential customers of the product’s value. 

2. Weaker loyalty prospects 

Shorts are fleeting and often less effective at building deeper connections with your audience. While viewers may enjoy your short video content in the moment, its surface-level nature makes it harder to establish lasting relationships and interest. 

3. Shorter shelf life 

Short-form video content tends to lose relevance quickly. After the initial surge, engagement often drops off, unlike long-form videos that continue to attract views over time.  

Key metrics for YouTube Shorts


Views reflect the reach and exposure of your Shorts. A higher view count signals to YouTube’s algorithm that viewers enjoyed your video, which can lead to even more views and increased reach. 

Pro tip: To boost the view count of your Shorts, focus on creating content that hooks viewers instantly. Leverage the latest video trends, use popular music, and incorporate hashtags and relevant keywords to help more people find your video.  

2. Retention rate (percentage of video watched) 

Retention rate shows you how much of your Short your viewers actually watched. To succeed, your Shorts need to maintain viewers’ attention from start to finish.  

Pro tip: To optimize this metric, make sure your Shorts are fast-paced and engaging throughout. You can always encourage viewers to rewatch by using seamless loops.  

3. View sources 

By tracking where your views come from, you can enhance the reach of your YouTube Shorts. If most of your views come from the Shorts feed, consider optimizing your hooks in the first few seconds of the video and focus on creating smooth loops to keep viewers engaged longer.  

Other factors such as popular video formats or trendy music can further boost the visibility of your Shorts. If you notice that your views are coming from other areas such as YouTube’s home page or search results, you can enhance your viewership by focusing on optimizing titles and descriptions. 

How to create winning YouTube Shorts

1. Create a strong hook 

The first few seconds of your YouTube Short are critical for grabbing your audience’s attention. A strong visual hook is essential for encouraging viewers to keep watching your Shorts. When creating this hook, aim for simplicity while ensuring it’s as descriptive and impactful as the title and thumbnail would be for a long-form video. 

2. Add a twist to your storytelling 

When planning your YouTube Shorts, consider adding an unexpected twist to keep your viewers engaged for longer. This can be an element of relatability, humor, or emotional appeal, making your content more memorable. 

3. Keep your Shorts short and sweet 

According to the best-performing YouTube Shorts creators, 34 seconds is typically the optimal length for Shorts to perform well. In this video format, every second counts. To improve your Shorts retention rate and performance in YouTube’s algorithm, focus on making each second engaging and valuable for your audience. Keeping your Shorts concise increases the likelihood of viewers rewatching. 

A note to video creators: Starting on October 15, 2024, YouTube will allow users to upload Shorts up to 3 minutes long

Combining Shorts and long-form

There’s a common misconception that YouTube Shorts act as a bridge to long-form content. However, due to the significant differences between the two formats, this isn’t always the case.  

Shorts tend to attract a diverse audience primarily seeking quick entertainment. Instead of viewing YouTube Shorts as a gateway, use them to capture attention, entertain, and boost reach and brand awareness.  

Use long-form videos if you are looking to deepen relationships with your audiences, educate them about your products, and drive conversions. 

Your blueprint for a winning YouTube strategy

Both long-form videos and YouTube Shorts offer unique benefits. For social media managers, the key is to strike the right balance between these formats and leverage the strengths of each.  

Once you understand the nuances of both video forms, you can develop a YouTube strategy that not only captures attention but also builds lasting connections with your audience, driving meaningful business outcomes. 

Here are the steps for you to craft a successful strategy balancing between both formats: 

1. Define your goals: What exactly do you want to achieve with your YouTube content? Your objective could be to increase brand awareness and engagement or grow revenue.  

2. Identify your target audience and the type of content they seek: Are your viewers interested in watching entertaining Shorts, quick hits, how-to guides, or in-depth explorations? 

3. Cross-promote your content by using Shorts to drive traffic to your long-form videos. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage viewers to check out the longer videos for more detailed information. 

4. Optimize your videos for SEO: Use effective titles, descriptions, and tags for both Shorts and long-form videos. Use relevant keywords and create engaging thumbnails that capture viewers’ attention. 

Here’s an example from

5. Add chapters to your long-form videos. Chapters can divide a video into sections, each with its own preview. Breaking your videos into easily consumable bits improves navigability, allows viewers to rewatch specific parts of your video, and creates a useful 'table of contents' – especially helpful for long-form explainer videos. 

Here’s an example:

6. Engage with viewers. Build a strong community by actively engaging with viewers. Respond to comments on both Shorts and long-form videos and show your audience that you are present. If you manage multiple social media accounts, consider adopting a unified social media inbox. This can save you time and make it easier to maintain a personal touch at scale.  

With Brandwatch Engage, you can utilize AI and automation to ensure that all your important messages are never missed and that you respond to everyone in a timely manner. 

7. Review important metrics. Make it a habit to regularly review metrics like watch time, viewer retention, and engagement rates for both Shorts and long-form videos. These metrics serve as great indicators of your future growth. The longer your watch time and the higher your viewer retention and engagement rates, the more the YouTube algorithm will favor your content, allowing you to reach larger audiences.  

8. Collaborate with YouTubers. Leverage collaborations with YouTubers to target specific audiences. If you have limited resources, consider working with your brand advocates or YouTubers who are experts in your field. This approach not only saves you time but also allows you to target highly specific audiences that are already loyal to the YouTubers you choose to work with. 

To streamline your influencer collaborations, especially across multiple social media platforms, consider implementing a tool like Influence. This platform helps you discover, manage, and pay for collaborations effortlessly. 

9. Track your growth over time: Identifying which videos generate the most engagement will help you determine where to focus your efforts. If you manage multiple channels, consider using a social media management tool like Measure to keep all your reports in one place. This will provide you with comprehensive insights into your social media strategy, making it easier to analyze and improve your approach. Ultimately, this will help you increase your ROI and improve your overall social media results.