How to Write a Good LinkedIn Post
So you should have a good idea of how the algorithm works now. Thin posts and spammy stuff obviously won’t work. LinkedIn wants people to keep using and engaging with the platform, so they’ll only help push the content that encourages that.
Here are some tips to keep in mind.
1. Offer something of value.
Just talking about your business or product isn’t going to grab people’s attention too much, especially if there’s nothing to make you standout. Instead, talk about something of interest to your connections. Tell them something interesting that you’ve discovered, or offer up a thought-out opinion on the latest developments in your industry.
Remember to think about who you’re talking to. They’re often business questions so aim to make things of interest to them and not just yourself.
2. Get people talking.
As we mentioned, LinkedIn loves to see people talking underneath posts. The best way to do that is to pose questions to your audiences.
Try not to get too controversial as there are brand considerations when you’ve got a huge flame war going on in your comments. It’s also a good idea to tag some relevant people in, and even ask others to include people with specialist knowledge.
3. Posting external content might pose problems.
Of course a lot of us want to drive traffic from LinkedIn, and to do that you need to post your own content. This isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s worth remembering social platforms like you to stay on their site as much as possible.
While you won’t be demoted for posting an external link, it can be a lot harder for it to go ‘viral’. Native images, posts, and videos seem to be favored.
The best bet is to mix things up. Native posts can be great for building your audience so, when the time is right, you have people to get your future content or links in front of.