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Published August 30th 2024

Social Media Sentiment Analysis: Decoding Public Opinion in 2024

Explore the latest trends, tools, and techniques in social media sentiment analysis to understand and improve public perception of your brand in 2024.

Social media sentiment analysis is something of a digital marketing superpower.

Why? In short, it allows you to instantly cut through the vast amounts of chatter on various social media platforms, getting straight to the conversations that matter to your brand.

The goal of social media sentiment analysis is basically to decode the emotions and opinions expressed by people who use social media – whether that be in their posts, their comments, or their viewing habits.

If you do it well, social media sentiment analysis should reveal how your brand's customers are responding to your products and how potential customers feel about your brand.

This helps businesses and organizations better understand their target audience, improve their products and services, and ultimately make better decisions.

However, social media sentiment analysis is a moving target – and by that, we mean that the specifics of the task tend to change according to which social media platforms are trending at any given moment in time.

For example, TikTok is the place to be at the moment, while X (formerly Twitter) has seen many users leave the platform since Elon Musk took charge. It's quite possible your target audience has changed platforms too. So, you need to make sure you're looking in the right places to find out what people are saying about your brand.

Keeping on top of social sentiment analysis

In this guide, we'll look at where sentiment analysis stands in 2024, and how things might change in the future.

We'll also look at some of the challenges that might pop up as you decode social media sentiment, and how to navigate these hurdles without derailing your work.

At the end of the process, you'll gain valuable insights that could transform your business strategy and improve customer perceptions of your brand online. What's not to love?

In this article we cover:

Understanding sentiment analysis

Before we think about how to decode public opinion, it's important to have a basic understanding of what social media sentiment analysis actually means – and why it's important.

Defining sentiment analysis

Social media sentiment analysis is a technique in natural language processing (NLP) that focuses on decoding the feelings expressed in textual data like social media comments.

It involves processing and interpreting written language to assess the positive, negative, or neutral sentiments.

By understanding these sentiments, you'll have a better idea of the emotions and opinions people have toward certain topics or subjects.

Importance in social media

Sentiment analysis is a big deal in social media, as it can tell us a lot about public opinion and brand perception.

For example, social media marketers can use social media sentiment to decode whether people perceive their brand in a positive, negative, or neutral light.

And once you understand those sentiments you make better decisions in response to them.

Components of sentiment analysis

The primary components of sentiment analysis are polarity, subjectivity, and emotion. These sentiment related terms can be combined to give an overall social sentiment score.

Polarity refers to the general tone of the text so that it can be sorted into one of three categories (positive, neutral, or negative).

But ideally, sentiment analysis should go a bit deeper – determining the subjectivity in the text, and distinguishing between factual information and personal opinions.

Finally, customer sentiment refers to the specific emotion expressed in the text (for example, joy, anger, and sadness).

Techniques and tools

Unless you're working for a small business where manual sentiment analysis is likely, you'll probably decide to invest in some software to help with social media sentiment analysis.

This can be really helpful if you're working for a large brand or for multiple clients.

There are quite a few tools available, so we'll look at a couple of the market leaders and discuss the main techniques they use for decoding sentiment.

Sentiment analysis tools

There are various sentiment analysis tools available to help you track positive mentions and identify negative words across large amounts of social media content.

For example, two popular social sentiment analysis tools include Brandwatch and Hootsuite. They both allow you to keep an eye on social media conversations and analyze sentiment.

Like others on the market, these tools use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques to turn large volumes of data into valuable insights.

>> Learn more about Brandwatch sentiment analysis here!

Machine learning applications

Machine learning is a really important part of social media sentiment analysis.

By using different machine learning techniques, computers can "learn" how to identify the sentiment behind a piece of text.

The first of those techniques is supervised learning, which essentially means training a model using labeled data and teaching it to recognize specific patterns.

The second of those techniques is unsupervised learning. In this case, algorithms are trained to automatically uncover hidden structures within unlabeled data.

The better the robots get at these two techniques, the more accurate and efficient sentiment analysis becomes.

Natural language processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a true cornerstone of any sentiment analysis tool.

This is the process that allows computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.

There are a few techniques involved, but basically, it means that AI can now be trained to look closely at words and pinpoint those that relate to sentiment and their meaning.

A top tool like Brandwatch also uses NLP solutions to help users generate content with more ease.

Social media platforms and sentiment

So, why has social media sentiment analysis become such a big deal?

These days, most people are either posting or reading opinions online on a daily basis. These include lots of opinions about products or brands, so it's a good idea for a social media team to keep track of what's being said about their business online.

Opinions can be expressed in slightly different ways depending on the platform, so let's dig into those variations before we go any further.

Tapping into various platforms

Social media users express their thoughts and opinions daily across a wide range of channels, including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and others.

As you look at the sentiments across different platforms, keep in mind that sentiments might vary depending on platform, demographics of the audience, and how the information is presented.

Different types of social media posts can impact audience understanding, so it's a good idea to keep context in mind when thinking about sentiment.

Monitoring tools and techniques

One way to get ahead of sentiment analysis is to use social media monitoring tools that are specifically designed for social listening.

We're thinking of tools like Brandwatch, CisionOne, and Hootsuite.

As well as tracking social media posts and watching out for sentiment, these tools will look out for trends and patterns in your target audience's opinions and preferences.

They'll also alert you to any sudden changes and shifts in sentiment that may impact your brand.

Practical applications

There are lots of reasons why investing time and resources into sentiment analysis is a bit of a no-brainer.

Because everything on social media happens in real time, social media sentiment analysis can flag comments that require a quick response.

In addition, it could lead you to some key influencers and brand advocates who could help to amplify your message.

There are other benefits too, like spotting emerging trends, harnessing the power of positive sentiment, and catching potential issues before they blow up. Let's look at those in more detail.

Improving customer experience

Social media sentiment analysis can do wonders for customer experience.

By keeping an eye on real-time data, you can quickly respond to customer concerns – something that's proven to boost customer satisfaction.

To make it simple, just remember these three directions: monitor, respond, and learn.

Simply keep an eye on trends and patterns, proactively address customer feedback (both positive and negative), and use insights gained from sentiment analysis to make positive changes in your business, and you'll be on the right track.

Brand and reputation management

A strong and positive brand reputation is one of the best things that a company can hope for.

It's also vital for maintaining a competitive advantage.

There are a few ways you can use social media sentiment analysis to protect and boost your brand's reputation.

First of all, spotting negative sentiment can help you identify potential issues or crises early and take proactive steps to mitigate them.

On the flip side, if you recognize and celebrate positive feedback, this can be a great opportunity for building a better brand reputation.

Finally, business decisions backed by data from sentiment analysis and social media analytics are more likely to go down well with your target audience.

Marketing insights and strategy

There are some valuable insights you can take from social media sentiment analysis that are really helpful in making business decisions.

First of all, you can use it for segmentation. This means splitting your audience into different categories so that you can target messages as needed.

You can also use the results of sentiment analysis to develop content that resonates with your audience. This is always easier if you understand their passions, pain points, and interests.

Finally, you can evaluate the success of your marketing campaigns by tracking sentiment, engagement, and conversations surrounding your brand.

Sentiment analysis challenges

While manual sentiment analysis is possible, most forms of social media sentiment analysis are automated with the use of technology. This means that there can be challenges.

Let's have a look at them in some more detail to help you avoid these pitfalls.

Handling ambiguity and sarcasm

When conducting social media sentiment analysis, one common hurdle is handling sarcasm and other forms of ambiguity.

As we know, people often express their opinions using humor, irony, or sarcasm, which can be difficult for AI to interpret correctly.

As a result, you may find instances where negative feedback or negative mentions are misinterpreted as positive, and vice versa.

To get around this, you could train your sentiment analysis model to better understand the context in which comments are being made, and give it some language cues that imply sarcasm or ambiguity.

Aspect-based sentiment analysis

Next up, we're going to look at something called aspect-based sentiment analysis.

The goal of this approach is to gain a deeper understanding of the sentiment expressed about specific aspects of a product.

The challenge with this method is that it often requires manual effort to accurately pinpoint aspects and their corresponding sentiments.

For example, someone might leave customer feedback that says: "The food is great, but the service is terrible." This comment expresses both positive sentiment and negative sentiments about different components of the same experience.

To improve your aspect-based analysis, try employing natural language processing techniques that can automatically identify the aspects being discussed and their associated sentiment levels.

Scalability and real-time analysis

As the volume of social media data explodes, ensuring scalability and analyzing sentiment in a timely manner both become increasingly important factors.

The problem here is that many sentiment analysis tools can struggle to keep up with the constant influx of new information, leading to delays in processing or the inability to conduct real-time analysis.

To tackle scalability, you may need to invest in more powerful computing resources or ask your tech team to put more efficient data processing algorithms in place.

Consider using machine learning models that can analyze sentiment as soon as the data comes in. That way you can keep up with everything that's happening in real time.

Future of sentiment analysis

We've reached the point in our guide where it's time for us to grab our crystal ball and tell you what's coming next in the world of social media sentiment analysis.

Just joking! Obviously, we don't really have a crystal ball – but we do have a few ideas about what changes we might see in social media sentiment analysis over the next few years.

Without further ado, here are our best predictions.

Emerging trends in sentiment analysis

As social media sentiment analysis continues to evolve, media intelligence tools are also growing steadily.

As every new sentiment analysis tool arrives on the market, more businesses start to use them.

Social listening is growing in popularity as a method to keep an ear to the ground for public opinion and develop more effective strategies in various sectors.

Another trend to keep an eye on is the expansion of sentiment analysis beyond social media.

Even now, sentiment analysis can be applied to data from various non-social media news sources such as news articles and customer reviews.

In the future, we'll probably see more sophisticated sentiment analysis for unpicking customer sentiment behind multimedia content like videos and images.

Advanced machine learning techniques

AI and machine learning techniques are big players when it comes to advancing sentiment analysis.

This is where things get interesting – and a lot more complex.

We suggest you pay close attention to advanced algorithms and deep learning models, as these systems can better understand context, which helps in more accurate sentiment data.

For example, transfer learning can teach models to fine-tune their performance using limited data from a related problem domain.

Additionally, remember those unsupervised learning techniques we told you about earlier? These can automate the process of discovering hidden sentiments and patterns.

Finally, the integration of natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) in sentiment analysis tools will soon enable more profound insights into the meaning behind the text, opening the door to sentiment analysis of complex content like sarcasm, memes, and idioms.

Impact on business and society

As we've seen, sentiment analysis can serve as a catalyst for change in both business and society.

By incorporating sentiment analysis into your social media strategy, companies can make more informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, and sharpen their competitive edge.

Final thoughts on sentiment analysis

Paying attention to sentiment on social media has so many interesting uses.

If you conduct sentiment analysis, you're more likely to understand your audience, boost customer engagement, and polish your brand reputation.

It also allows you to make informed decisions based on some fascinating social media data.

While we can't tell you exactly where sentiment analysis will go in the future, we know that it's going to be exciting to keep an eye on the latest developments.

Want to know more? Discover the data science behind Brandwatch's Sentiment Analysis machine!

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