While using AI to write appreciation messages or personable emails to students might not be widely praised, some teachers are using AI in more effective ways.
For example, some professors are utilizing AI to grade papers, and it seems to be working exceptionally well. Governing.com interviewed a few teachers on this topic, and one said it’s helped her students to become better writers – “not because AI did the writing for them, but because automated feedback can tell students faster than she can how to improve.”
In these instances, using AI for basic corrections, such as grammar and punctuation, can help teachers to provide faster feedback to students.
Let’s look at some other benefits of using artificial intelligence in an educational setting.
The case for using AI in schools
As we mention in our latest Education Report, using AI for learning can help facilitate more effective and efficient educational practices. Essentially, it can make students’ and teachers’ lives much easier.
And there are plenty of online threads discussing how AI can be embraced in learning environments, as teachers are curious about how others are taking advantage of new tools.