The birthday cake reigns supreme in all five countries, showing its universal use. After that, while the order differs, generally the countries share most of the same top ten. But there are some differences.
For example, Japan and South Korea aren’t huge fans of the eggplant emoji. Based on what we know about that, we’ll avoid digging too deeply to find out why.
In terms of unique emojis on the list, Japan has sushi; Spain has grapes and an egg; South Korea has a lollipop, candy, and a carrot; while the UK has cheese. The US and the UK are also the only ones to have pizza in their top ten.
What this tells us is that even with something as seemingly mundane as emojis, we can get a bit of insight into a country’s culture. It’s also a reminder for social media managers to think about their audience when they are picking emojis.
That said, you can’t go wrong with birthday cake.
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