We end up with a very exciting mix of the old and new, with films spanning a range of genres. The oldest film on the list is the noir classic The Third Man which was released in 1949, while the newest is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Interestingly, the latter includes a parody noir character, creating a vague link between the two films.
It seems like animated films are particularly popular online, with two taking the top spots, and Coco, a 2017 Pixar film, coming first with a net sentiment of 48%.
We also looked at the movies which generated the most emotional responses. To do this, we ranked the films by the proportion of their mentions that were categorized by a certain emotion and excluded any mention that couldn’t be categorized by emotion. This meant we found the films associated most with joy and sadness etc.
- Joy: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (54%)
- Sadness: Inside Out (67%)
- Anger: Get Out (32%)
- Fear: Get Out (18%)
- Disgust: The Shape of Water (25%)
- Surprise: Wonder Woman (31%)
We will admit that this is a very rough and ready analysis, as some films can generate lots of conversation that isn’t necessarily about the quality of the film itself. Having said that, we reckon this is a solid list, and an excellent tool for when you can’t figure out what to watch but happen to have Brandwatch tools to hand.
Have a great movie night!
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The Brandwatch React team