While the online Covid-19 conversations grew by 5% this week, the size has remained very stable over the last six weeks. When averaged out, the week-on-week change ends up being 0%, suggesting that we’ve hit a steady level of discussion. There were 3.7m people discussing the virus last week.
There’s some more significant movement when it comes to Covid-19 articles, though. The number of these increased by 13% last week, the biggest increase we’ve seen since mid-March. Publishers seem to be increasing the resource they’re putting into Covid-19 content.
Article engagements are up too, which you’d expect with an increase in articles (although this isn’t always the case). Having said that, engagements were up by 19% this week, with the average engagement per article up from 318 to 337. The increase in articles is paying off.
We also looked at some major topics of the week, based on the most popular articles. Here’s how they stack up when looking at total engagements.