Currently there’s an 11 point gap between Germany and Spain when it comes to optimism. In comparison, the average gap between them before the latest survey was just five points.
As we note in every bulletin, there will be a list of reasons why the data looks the way it does but we can hazard some guesses. The widening gap could reflect the recent jump in cases in Spain, and the subsequent travel restrictions other countries have imposed in response. This is likely to cause economic strife, too.
Although daily confirmed cases have been rising in both countries, this data shows that numbers are far higher in Spain. Germany has also seen far fewer Covid-19-related deaths overall than Spain. As of yesterday, 9,201 have died in Germany from Covid-19, compared to Spain’s 28,581. This will obviously factor into optimism.
What’s apparent is that, while we may be getting used to the presence of Covid-19, the floor is constantly shifting. Local outbreaks not only threaten local lockdowns, but the risk of widespread transmission and the return of national quarantine measures, too.
This is going to affect how we view the world and the future for as long as Covid-19 is with us.
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